Friday, September 30, 2011
Moving Planet Day - Photo!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
EcoLink Meeting Tonight!
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Friday, August 12, 2011
Field Trip August 13th
To the Devil's Punchbowl for a Full Moon Hike!!!
Meet at the CVS parkign lot at Bellflower and Stearns at 4pm. But please email Taylor beforehand if you plan on going: Taylor@tidalinfluence.com.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Field Trip to Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden
The largest Opuntia prolifera I've ever seen.

An amazing wall of dudleya welcomed us into the gardens.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Events in May!!!!
May’s EcoLink Field Trip is to the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens in Claremont! On Sunday May 22 at 10am, we will meet at the old Borders Parking Lot at Bellflower and Stearns in East Long Beach to carpool up to the Botanical Gardens. Garden admission is free for RSABG members; $8 adults; $6 seniors and students; $4 children 3-12. Also, they will be holding a sale of succulent, cactus and agave plants on the day we will be there plus they will have their butterfly pavilion for an extra $2. I, as always, suggest bringing your own sack lunch (or lunch money plus a good argument to grab lunch somewhere) and some extra cash to help out the driver of your carpool.
Oh, and EcoLink Partner Timothy Dunham of Somethings Creative is hosting a Conservation Arts Show at Viento y Agua on May 21st. Check out the attached flier for more information!
Also, EcoLink will be facilitating a Northwest Earth Institute “Sense of Place” reading circle. The reading material is $20. This reading circle is one of my favorites and definitely worth it. For more information on NWEI or Sense of Place check out their site: http://www.nwei.org/ and to sign up for the reading circle, please contact Chris Ward at crward947@hotmail.com. There is a limit of 20 people, so please RSVPsoon.
April Meeting Minutes
April 28th, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Taylor Parker at 7:10 p.m.
In attendance –
Austin Parker, Bruce Monroe, Chris Ward, Taylor Parker, Kerry Martin, Whitney Graves, Sharon Hesse, Mary Parcell
“The Movement with no name” - Bruce Monroe
5 minute brainstorm session to the benefit the discussion of The Movement with No Name. The motto of the movement is: restoring grace, justice and beauty in the world. If you divide the entirety of the world up by the amount of people on the planet everyone is responsible for 10 acres. The goal is to develop a token/ brand/ identity marker/ that identifies:
· ven diagram of earth elements
· deep ecology logo in a ‘tv’ screen
· tree of life within a circle
· seed concept somewhere because of the many implications of nurturing a seed
· mother and child within a water drop
· child superimposed upon a seed
· turtle symbol
Please give your input on potential symbols
El Dorado Nature Center - Kerry Martin— longbeach.gov/naturecenter/
· Discussion of activities at Nature Center
· Turtle show
· Madrona Marsh naturalists giving native plant discussion.
Visit website for more information
Shipley Nature - Kerry Martin— shipleynature.org
· April 30th – 9-2pm – Spring Festival
· Demonstration garden is in full bloom
Visit website for more information
EcoLink - Chris Ward– ecolinklongbeach.blogspot.com
· NWEI discussion Sundays starting June 5th from 4pm-5.30pm
Contact Chris Ward for more information: crward947@hotmail.com
El Dorado Audubon - Mary Parcell - eldoradoaudobon.org / eldoradoaudobon@yahoo.com –
· Potential illegal lot line split with Marketplace Marsh discussion at planning department with the City of Long Beach
· Comment period for the Draft EIR has ended. Egretsnotregrets.com
· May 14th 10am- Gum Grove Walk
· May 15th 8am - Gum Grove Walk
· Hellman Walks every 2nd & 4th Wednesday off of PCH & 1st
350.org – Taylor Parker– 350.org
· Discussion of “Moving Planet”
Community Organizer- Taylor Parker—ecolinklongbeach.blogspot.com
· EcoLink:
o Discussion of field trip to Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve.
o Discussion of field trip to next Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden``
· Los Cerritos Wetlands Stewardship Program: Discussion of community-based restoration: www.lcwetlands.org
· Friends of Colorado Lagoon: Discussion of activities: www.coloradolagoon.org
Next Field Trip: May 22nd –10am – Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden (meet at the Borders parking lot on Bellflower and Stearns at 10am)
Next Meeting: Thursday May 26th – 7pm -Unitarian Church on Bellflower and Atherton